Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hey y'all... What is new, I am LOVING this new site, well my new site. That is ALL thanks to God first for blessing me with friends like I have and second to Chris Hinojosa, an amazing man of God, fabulous musician, talented web designer, and wonderful person to work with. With out him my site would be like it was(to those who have seen it then u know what I am sopeaking of!).
I am at a wonderful time in my life, God is blessing me with family, friends, true relationships and work. In a time of economic stress, the Lord is proving that He truly is our provider.
I hope and pray all who visit with first see the Love I have for Jesus(my most important relationship), second the love I have for people and the work I do. I am not here to "sell" you something you don't want, if you are here it is either because you know me and are checking out my site because your curious(and I told you to...Ha) or because you are in need of a photographer, and if that is the case, I would love to be the one you are looking for.
I believe that not only should you love what you do(and I so do), but that it should be more than love, it should be a passion... I spent too many years in jobs that I was unhappy in, I was always looking for that "perfect" job... Well I found it. God placed a love for photography in me when I was a mere child, my father loved to take photos, so I think I get a bit of that from him. I started taking pictures before I was ten, and by the time I was 14, I photographer my first wedding(for a friend of the family, but the pics came out good, no complaints) and I have not gone many places since that day with out some kind of picture taking device strapped to me.
I guess the most important thing you take away from this site is my heart, I love what I do as much as I love breathing, that is how important getting quality shots is to me. I hope you see that while looking over my site.
Thank you all for taking a few minutes for me to share with you, may God bless you in all you do.