Thursday, January 28, 2010

Stay Focused on God, don't stray even for a sec!!!!

    First I want to say God is Great, I am so blessed I don't know where to begin. I am here, at IHOP, that is a testimony in itself. Many many things were put in my path to keep me from getting to where God wanted me... but over all i got here! It has not been a bed of roses but God never promised it would be, He just said He would be there, and He is!!!
    Last night I was completely a mess, God came and totally overwhelmed me, it was great... Then I made a mistake and not even knowing what I was doing I stepped out of His presence to do what seemed like an innocent thing, I asked someone to coffee... It was someone of the opposite sex, I thought it would not be an issue... but I have felt miserable because it was not what I was supposed to do, funny how a little seemingly insignificant thing like that could rob me of thge joy I was so filled with. I allowed my self to be put in a place that I could possibly be rejected. I learned a very good lesson this day, if it is Gods will HE WILL make the connections, WE DON"T need to do it.
   Today a realization hit me that I am going to be just me and God, God and I... I am going to take some time to just hear, and learn God. God desires me to just be, JUST BE with Him as Adam was with Him before Eve. I am going to learn how to be loved, SERIOUSLY LOVED, by God. I have felt the love of God, but I don't walk in it 24-7, that is my hearts desire... I don't want to just feel God when I want Him, or when I need Him, I want God to be with me always, I want to hear Him speak to me as loud as I would hear a person speaking to me, I desire to become a true friend of God. I know all we need is that desire, and that that desire is from God because He longs for us as we long for Him.
   I say all this to say that we need to stay focused, stay with our eyes on God, it only takes a sec, to be derailed, I have a lifetime of derailments, I ask God right now to fill me and be that piece I am missing, that lover I long for so desperately, I ask that God enter in and keep me focused on Him and only Him. I pray for others that have been there, that God puts blinders on them like a horse in a parade so they stay the course God has for them, so they can come into a fuller knowledge of God and so they can fulfill their Destiny.
   Thank You Jesus for showing me how easy it is to loose focus, please keep me from ever loosing focus again, please reveal the plans u have for me so I can stay the course. God thank u for being my HERO and coming to my rescue! Amen!

Friday, January 15, 2010

My Request, My Heart....

Hello my dear friends,
I am writing you during this time of my life, to ask you to hear my testimony of Jesus as I am now at the International House of Prayer mission base in Kansas City Missouri. God has been doing great and mighty things in my life as I have walked in obedience. God blessed me with the finances to get here and get my daughter back home after attending the Onething 09’ conference. Now I find myself in a place where I have done what I was called to do, get here, get involved in the community as far as serving, small home groups to be a part of and a wonderful place to call home.. I currently have no leads on work though I have filled out many applications.
I am currently training to grow The Seer gift that God has placed inside me, I am blessed to be learning from a Messianic Jew who ministers as a prophetic equipper, who is also teaching me about that culture of our Christian roots. This trainer has brought the gifts out in others who have gone through this course. I also would love to attend the Intro to IHOP course that starts in April, as so I can become staff with them. I am currently serving as an usher for the prayer room 3 days a week and will also be ushering some meetings. Serving where there is need is very important to me, I am praying for support so that I can stay in the prayer room as much as possible.
God is moving mightily here in Kansas City, and IHOP is currently in Revival. You can watch live 24 hours a day-7 days a week at IHOP.ORG.
My greatest desire is to know and seek the heart of God, to not move without hearing from Him first and to be so full of the faith of Elijah. “Faith is being confident of what we hope for, convinced about things we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1) Thus, meaning I would have a firm belief that I could speak to the clouds and tell them not to rain, and have God so pleased with me that He does not allow rain until I call for it.
I have prayed that God opens finances and for work, but most of all I seek the will of God, if He wants me to rely on the people in my life that not only love me but that I have blessed in the past in one way or another then He would put a burden on their hearts and have them answer that call of provision.
It has been a blessing to be able to share my heart with you, to give you a window into my journey, I ask that you pray and see if God would have you support me in any way possible. Your prayers are always welcomed and valued, also if you feel led to give monetary offerings, that can be done at my website (CaraRoss.Com) by either clicking on the donate button, or by purchasing photos from events I have photographed.
Whatever may be your task, work at it from the soul, as something done for the Lord and not for men, Knowing with all certainty that it is from the Lord [and not from men] that you will receive the inheritance which is your real reward. The One Whom you are actually serving the Lord Christ the Messiah. Colossians 3:23-24
Thank You and God Bless!